The Society of Rheology (SoR) is one of the five founding members of the American Institute of Physics and organizes an annual meeting where a wide spectrum of industry, academic members and students worldwide gather to present their work. Rheology is a branch of physics and engineering that refers to the flow and deformation of matter and has applications in a wide array of fields including pharmaceuticals, coatings, plastics, health, nanoscience, and food to name a few.
SoR is composed of physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers, and mathematicians interested in advancing and applying rheology. From October 20-24, 2019, the annual SoR meeting was held at the downtown Raleigh Convention Center, attracting over 500 attendees. NC State Professors Saad Khan and Lilian Hsiao with the Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at NC State were the local co-hosts for the meeting. KIETS provided support for the following events: (a) student poster session, (b) travel grants for students, (c) K-12 outreach activities, (d) student-industry career panels, and (e) plenary sessions. KIETS support leveraged additional resources from the SoR, NC State, and industry collaborators.