Research Triangle MRSEC on Soft Matter



The Research Triangle Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (RT MRSEC) is a national resource for materials science and engineering research and education located in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area. The research team encompasses faculty and students at Duke University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and North Carolina Central University.

RT MRSEC investigators are working to identify new classes of materials with applications in energy, human health, consumer products, etc., which will ultimately benefit our society. The team of primary investigators from NC State consists of Jan Genzer (RT-MRSEC Co-Director), Carol Hall, Orlin Velev, Michael Dickey, Joe Tracy, Yara Yingling (Education Co-Director for the RT MRSEC), Karen Daniels and Kenan Gundogdu from Physics. During the 2016-17 fiscal year, 4 post-docs, 15 graduate students, and 11 undergraduate students were engaged in this project. Outcomes include approximately 29 publications in preparation, submitted, or in press, two patents granted, and two licenses granted.