Led by Executive Director Jamie DeMent Holcomb, the North Carolina Children’s Museum, an evolution of Kidzu Children’s Museum in Chapel Hill, is an experiential children’s…

Kenan Institute Initiatives
Led by Executive Director Jamie DeMent Holcomb, the North Carolina Children’s Museum, an evolution of Kidzu Children’s Museum in Chapel Hill, is an experiential children’s…
Participating in Science Olympiad provides K-12 students with the opportunity to collaborate with one another and explore many different areas of science at a much…
The NC State Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-NCSU) seeks to empower communities and equip leaders internationally and locally to meet their needs through sustainable…
The NC Coastal Federation (NCCF) is working with key partners to develop a watershed action plan for the Newport River. In FY 2022-23, KIETS support…
The purpose of the IEI Faculty Fellows Program is to enable IEI to collaborate with faculty and students across colleges at NC State University strategically…
The NAE Regional Meeting will be held on March 9-10, 2020 at NC State University. This event will bring to NC the leadership from NAE…
The Kenan Institute is collaborating with the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) on EngineerGirl, which is designed to strengthen the engineering workforce through diversity. EngineerGirl…
The Entrepreneurs Living and Learning Village, a program of the NC State Entrepreneurship Initiative (EI) led by Dr. Tom Miller, provides an immersive, experiential learning…
Apex Friendship High School teacher Dan Jackson has been collaborating with KIETS Associate Director Raj Narayan to develop the Applied Synergies Partnership (ASaP) Entrepreneurship Leadership…
Led by Apex Friendship High School (AFHS) teacher Dan Jackson in collaboration with KIETS Associate Director Raj Narayan, the Applied Synergies Partnership (ASaP) High School…
NC State hosted an international workshop on Soft Matter Interfaces on October 6-9, 2017. This workshop is part of a U.S.-Germany research cooperation program with…
Led by Director Barbara Mulkey and Senior Associate Director Dr. Debbie Acker, the General H. Hugh Shelton Leadership Center (SLC) launched its Rural Entrepreneurial Leadership…
The FREEDM Systems Center has been pioneering developments in power and energy through its FREEDM concept, which provides an architecture for a future electric power…
SAMSI brings together researchers from applied mathematics, statistics and numerous areas of science to foster joint research and collaboration. It has a direct impact on…
The NC Sea Grant (NCSG) Community Collaborative Research Grant (CCRG) program seeks to address priority coastal issues in the state by strategically linking local ecological…
KIETS Director Ruben G. Carbonell is a member of the leadership team for NIIMBL, an institute that is part of the Manufacturing USA Network to…
The Outreach and Engagement Incentive Grants Program serves to address significant community challenges by aligning interdisciplinary faculty, their expertise, their students, and their research. The…
An outgrowth of the NC Coastal Federation oyster restoration initiative, this project led by Todd Miller of the NC Coastal Federation, Susan White of the…
Led by Joann Blumenfeld, a Kenan Fellow Alumnus, Catalyst is a high school program at NC State’s Science House designed for students with disabilities to…
GRIP is an interdisciplinary research initiative launched in March 2017 by the Office of the NC State Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development…